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Rising Light Pro Tips for Festival Stamina and Wook Flu & Festi Blues Prevention

* Eat lots of citruses or take 2000 mg of vitamin C the week or two before, during, and after the festival. This will help keep your brain juices fresh. It enhances ALL experiences and boosts your immune system. TRUST ME, your brain will thank you. Take a drop of Oil of oregano diluted in water during the festival. This is HIGHLY potent medicine, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and not for everyday use. If you take it every day it could negatively affect your gut flora.

* Drink more water and coconut water than anything else. Dancing, playing, campsite wandering, and/or imbibing various concoctions in the hot sun all day and all night will dehydrate you. Dehydration gives you headaches, hangovers, bloating, cramps, and eventually wears you out or even passes you out. Drinking more alcohol does not prevent this from happening, it only partially delays some of the effects and makes the hangover worse later. Also, drinking non-stop puts you at risk for blackout and blackout puts you at serious risk of becoming that one asshole. Don’t be that one asshole!

* If you’re dabbling in recreational chemistry-- avoid doing too much too fast. There is no rush to the fucked-up finish line. Festivals are for communally experiencing music, art, and atmosphere with thousands of kind, silly folks. Not to blast off onto another planet and escape completely. Remember: You can always eat more, but you can’t eat less. And the higher you go, the further you have to drop back down. That’s just basic science.

*If you choose to imbibe, test before you purchase or consume: Anyone who doesn’t want to let you test, isn’t worth doing business with. You can order tester kits online or look for DanceSafe. Unfortunately, there are people willing to put your life at risk for a few bucks. Your life/brain/organs are worth looking out for!

* Bring a first aid kit: Along with the basics (band-aids, condoms, tampons, alcohol wipes, anti-bacterial ointment), include Gold Bond powder for sweaty nethers, an ACE bandage for sprained ankles, anti-itch cream for bug bites, and ibuprofen. You may not need it, but someone in your vicinity will and you will be a hero!

* Layer your clothes: Places like Florida are really moist and humid. That means when it’s hot out, it’s extra sweaty-hot. When it’s cold out, it’s ice water-cold. Temperatures change rapidly. Keep in mind, the dance floor is wayyy warmer than the walk to and from camp. So even though that onesie is adorable--heat exhaustion isn't. And booty shorts are rad but hypothermia--not so much. Bringing a long sleeve pullover and a pair of fuzzy jammy pants in your pack is CLUTCH. We also have sudden downpours even in Oct. so bring extra towels and thick socks too.

*Make wise shoe and sock selections: Find shoes and socks that are comfortable to do lots of walking and dancing in. Blisters are a bummer. Not all of us wear shoes, but if you’re not used to being barefoot, festivals aren’t always your best place to try it out. Tenderfeet are more susceptible to getting injured. But anyone can step on something sharp, stub their toe, or someone with boots might stomp on our foot. Plus, barefootin’ in port-o-potties is not pleasant.

* Pre-make easy-to-eat nutrient-rich food, i.e. whole grains, veggies, fruits, and proteins. Avoid eating and drinking a bunch of processed sugary food. Processed sugar gives you short bursts of energy, while vitamin-rich food gives you all-day, steady energy. Here are some of my fave camping recipes.

* Stretch all your muscles: use a foam roller, and/or do yoga before, in between sets, and after the festival. Staying limber is key to preventing soreness and stiffness and getting loooose on the dance floor all weekend long.

* Clean thy self: Brush your teeth and use anti-bacterial & anti-fungal soap and water to wash your face and other important, sweaty regions daily. This will keep you feeling fresh and all of us will appreciate your efforts.

* Sleep at least 6 hours. Split it up if you need to, but 6 hours at some point in the night and/or day is key to your health and happiness. Really, it’s ok if you miss some things. Afternoon naps are fantastically refreshing. Also, many interactions had after 6-7 am, aren’t remembered and the conversations are rarely inspirational. (Of course, there are exceptions to the rule and you can refer back to the nap part.)

* Festivals in the time of COVID call for extra precaution. We know that one of the beauties of festivals is sharing--sharing space, goods, hugs, and kisses. But we still have to remember to be mindful that there is still a contagious virus circulating. So for the time being...

Don't go to the festival if you have COVID symptoms.

Keep a safe distance from those not in your bubble/camp as best as possible.

Wear masks that cover the nose and mouth when in close proximity of others outside your bubble.

Though we're outdoors, have a mask around your neck or handy so if and when you get close to another, you are prepared to mask up.

Wash your hands frequently especially after coughing, sneezing, eating, face touching, etc. Refrain from sharing drinks, smokes, or other items that go in the mouth or nose with people outside your bubble.

Wear a mask when you hug anyone outside of your bubble, especially those who are not vaccinated.

* Surround yourself with a tribe of trustworthy, fun, lovely hooligans with the same vibe and energy level as you have. Your fest-family is your best source of steady, external energy. They look out for you and you look out for them. If these people happen not to be at your campsite, go out and find them! Herds of us friendly-freaky-folk migrate to festivals across the country, you will find us and be glad you did!

* Be a trustworthy, fun, lovely hooligan: If you find out you’re being a Mr. or Ms. Crabby Pants, you're probably cranky because you haven’t been taking care of yourself. Drink some water, take a nap, a bath, and some vitamin c, eat some healthy food, do some stretching, slow yo roll, find some badass friends. See if that doesn’t do the trick. You're worth the effort it takes to love yourself.

We at Rising Light believe everyone should make the choices they think are best for their own well-being. If you find any of these tips helpful, please take them and pass them on to your loved ones!

Happy Festing!

♥ ♥ ♥


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