We are entirely sponsored by generous donors like you!
Thank you for your donation!

The Illumi-Nation Project
is a registered 501 c. (3) not-for-profit charitable organization.
Rising Light is The Illumi-Nation Project's community outreach program.
Along with conducting research, our mission is to use interactive education to
PLAYfully promote
sustainability, self-empowerment, community enrichment, and personal growth!
All contributions are tax deductible, as allowable by law.
Donors should always defer to their tax professional for specifics regarding tax deductibility of cash and in-kind gifts, as auction purchases, event tickets, etc. may not be 100% deductible.
All donations to the Illumi-Nation Project and
Rising Light go directly to researching and sharing
fun and innovative techniques and
experiential knowledge focused on sustainability,
self-empowerment, community enrichment and personal growth.

for $20